
I am a Professor of Philosophy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I am also the Associate Chair of the UNC Philosophy Department. My main research interests are in Aristotelian natural philosophy and philosophy of science, and I have written two monographs on these topics, Explanation and Teleology in Aristotle’s Science of Nature (CUP 2010) and From Natural Character to Moral Virtue in Aristotle (OUP 2017). I am also the editor of Aristotle's Physics: A Critical Guide (CUP 2015), and my papers have appeared in Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Journal of the History of Philosophy, Phronesis, Apeiron, and a number of edited volumes.
I currently serve on the Board of Directors for the Journal of the History of Philosophy and on the Advisory Board for Philosophia Antiqua, published by Brill, and I am co-editor of Apeiron.
I am working on another book-length project entitled Facts, Evidence, and Early Medicine in Aristotle's Gynecology (under contract with OUP), which I hope to finish up in the summer of 2024.
During the 2022-2023AY, I held a residential fellowship at the National Humanities Center.
In 2023-2024, I won the UNC Chapman Family Teaching Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. ​
My CV can be found here.
You can contact me at mleunissen at unc.edu